Friday, August 28, 2009

Forty-five years!

Forty five years!
How could it go by so fast!
Forty five years of Loving, Caring, Sharing.
Happiness, Sadness
Working, Learning, Playing.
Babies, Children, Teens.
Football, Volleyball, Sculpting,Games
Blessings, Prayers
Families, Siblings, Parents, Friends
In-laws, Ancestors, Outlaws,
Family reunions, Camping, Testimony meetings
Hawaii, Jackson Hole, Tetons
Laguna Beach, Hiking, Cross-country Skiing
Fillmore, Shelley
Morningside Elementary, Wasatch, Skyline
University of Utah
BYU Football games
Harts jugs full of red cream soda
Church,Testimony, Family Home Evening
Missions, letters, home sickness
Love, Weddings, new daughters and a son,
Grandchildren, more love, more blessings.
Young Women, Relief Society, Young Men
Bishop's counselor, High council, High Priest group leader
Supporting, loving,
Mission to the Thai-Laotian Ward, and University Stake
Service, Concern,
Walking, walking, walking
with my husband at my side
Continued Support and love.
Family illnesses
Blessings, Love, Continued Prayer
Master gardener, Master builder, Master father and husband