Thursday, July 3, 2008

Indigo and Kiara- Adventures in Utah - Week 1 -6/25-7/3/08

Hear ye, hear ye!  We now begin the mighty adventures in Utah of Miss Kiara Jane  and Indigo Soleil Finlinson.  The idea began in early June, when Indigo just wanted to go to Utah to see SNOW--and of course to see cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.  So came the idea of flying to Utah.  Because of the time constraints, holidays, and getting someone to help them to Utah,  they will end up being in Utah and away from home for a month.  A pretty long time for such young children.  We are having so much fun! 
 So now-enjoy week 1 with us.!
It all began June 21, when their Aunt Tebs flew to Florida to visit for a few days, and then flew home with them.
On Weds., June 25, they got to have a sleep over at Uncle Chad and Aunt Angie's house, so they could get up early in the morning to get to the airport.
June 26-Sleepy girls got their backpacks and drove to the airport.  As they arrived in Salt Lake City, Kiara said, "Wow, we were even better than we thought we could be!  We have never been this good with our mother!"  Tarali said, she only had to shush Kiara once, while singing in her loudest and best voice,and for a long time, a Christian song she had learned at a little camp they attended called, "In God's back yard."  
  Grandma picked them up at the airport and took them to their home for lunch and hugs.  We talked about going up to see the snow.  Indy thought it would be snowing when she got here, and wondered if it would be Christmas, so we had to talk about that a little bit.  
That afternoon, we decided to go to Snowbird so we could see the SNOW!   We took Tarali, Jacob, Gabrielle, and Noah.  And picked up Elizabeth, Bethany, Eli, (Eli's friend Jonathan) and Joel.
There was a little snow at the base of the mountain, that all the kids picked up for a snowball fight against Grandpa.  

We were excited to begin our ascent to the top of the mountain.  Here comes the tram!

Indigo eating snow!  (Just kidding-she's just pretending)

Kiara holding snow.
We could even make a snowman--Look closely!

Then down the mountain we came, and went to Doug and Elizabeths where Doug had prepared dinner for us.  We sure had some tired kids when they got back to their new beds at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Friday-June  27, 2008
    "It's fun to get together-on this reunion day.  To renew our acquaintance, in a very special way.  We are the Finlinson family, from the Edward and Afton tree.  We're proud of our great heritage!  We're glad the gangs all here! Yaah"  
We are so excited that Indigo and Kiara were able to be here for the Finlinson reunion, at the Heber Valley girls camp.  Kiara slept in the Yert with Doug's family, and Indigo slept in the bunk house with Gabrielle and Natalie.  While Indy stayed pretty close to Gabs and Nat, Kiara had fun with Eli, Joel, Jared and Noah, playing Indians, treasure hunts, and night games.  They both had fun roasting marshmallows and making s'mores.
Saturday-June 28 , 2008
Saturday morning we were  up early for breakfast and then went down to the lake to go on the canoes and paddle boats. 

Then it was back to camp for more games, food and fun! 

Oh, it was fun to get together!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The girls went to Primary with grandma, where they met their teachers, and new friends.
Monday-Thursday-June 30-July 3, 2008
  They helped grandma with the kids she tends and made some pretty good friends.  They all had fun playing DSLite! And of course going over to Teba's and helping her and grandpa.


Angie said...

Wow! and that was just week 1! Can't wait to read about week 2.

Rich said...

Looks like a lot of fun - I wish Tebs could have taken us back to Utah with her too.