Thursday, October 9, 2008

A summer full of Grow Boxes, Drip Systems and Archways!

Dad (Steven) was kept busy this summer helping Doug and Tarali with their grow boxes and drip systems.  He loves his family, and he loves to garden, so there was nothing he would rathur have spent his time doing.   

This is Dougs back yard.  The back yard was totally torn up at the beginning of the summer so he had to start from scratch. It became so beautiful.  

Here are part of the grow boxes.  A neighbor told him that he was wasting his time putting in grow boxes - that nothing would grow in them.  Hmmm-seems like he had quite a bit of growth in them! 
 He made a bubbler fountain in the center.

Dad and Tarali worked on getting her grow boxes in.  She wanted an herb garden, so they built it out of rocks. 
It turned out beautiful!

Pretty enough for a wedding!

I had always wanted an archway by the back sidewalk so since all of the grow boxes were finished, Steven  decided to do it for me.

It turned out so pretty.  I love it.  We are starting a rose that we hope will grow up over it.

Thanks Steven!  You are so awesome!


Rich said...

Good work dad. The archway adds a nice touch. Just hopefully no bags of diapers get stuck up on top.

Chad said...

It's like a mini Arches National Park in Salt Lake. Which one would be considered Delicate Arch?

Angie said...

I also must say Dad, that you did a great job straitening up the leaning garbage fence. I'm sure Joe also appreciates the new view :)

Genesis said...

Wow your back yard is so beautiful how are you and your hubby I loved seeing you last time at my shower how are things going really? Ttyl Gen

Tarali said...

Everyone should have a little touch of Dad in their back yard!